My new mantra

 Good afternoon friends 
I saw this quote the other day and it touch my soul . 
I’m thinking it needs to be my new year mantra.
Let face it aging sucks but we don’t need to surrender quietly, we can dance, we can sing we can have mischief as this quote says and have a very good story to tell.
I have noted that my Music library has changed since I was younger. I used to be into Gary Numan and human league  new wave Genre.  But now you’ll find me rocking along sweet child of mine with the best heavy metal lovers.
I still don’t like country and nothing will change on that front. 

Even with BeyoncĂ© , although I know Taylor Swift is technically country, but I would say she’s kind of moving more into the popular music genre.
I wonder what young Swifties will be listening to when they get older.
Music is such a power medium, it can transform, transcend and transport you to a different time and mood.
It Certainly will lift my spirit when  I’m down. 
All I need to do is put on some music and jig around the house and suddenly I’m in much better mood
I do still believe we had the best music.
Okay off to put in some music while I make supper.
Keep rocking.
Hugs Wen 


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