Goodbye 2024

As I say my last goodbyes to the year 2024 it’s nice to look back on what I’ve achieved.

 I have some good memories and I have some bad memories but that’s like every year.

We watched our youngest son graduate from collage and then go on to Graduate from Navy boot camp and complete his training to become a hospital corpsman in the US Navy.

Our older son had his first overseas deployment .

I lunched more of my Art Foamies stamp designs. They were very cute and loved by all. And I collaborated on a collage soup book .

And it will never get old seeing someone used my designs in their art. 

In between these happy time , Willow our beloved dog became sick and we had to make the painful decision to let her cross the rainbow bridge. Our hearts were broken. And so was Barley so we reached out to his breeder to see if she had a puppy for us 

Unfortunately, she wouldn’t have a litter until the late summer so I went to the retreat knowing when I got back we would be having a new dog in the house.

The retreat was every bit as good as last year , we all had a great time , learned some new skills and made more friends.

Can you believe it’s three years already! 

I had lots of positive feedback from my students on how they enjoyed my Weaving class ,so I was very happy. 

I had fun sharing a house with students and one of my fellow teachers at the retreat.

Lots giggles and laughter. And lovely memories and excitement for the 2025 retreat.

Because Michaela and I shared a house we have lots of time to discuss ideas for classes for the following year. And with hugs and goodbye I headed back home and got ready to welcome Miss Poppy Cupcake in to our home .

She and Barley have made friends and play together for hours.

This little sinker has wormed her way in to my heart , she’s such a charming little poo monster.

The house was for a while filled with gates and crates but Poppy is a smart cookie and has integrated into our home like she’s been here forever.

Paul and I decided to put our house on the market. We are ready to move.

We had a the boys back home for the holidays. The outtake photos of our Christmas card was Hilarious. Barley enjoyed the cream. 

So as we move into this new year 2025 who knows what might happen.

We are excited.

Keep watching.

I’m still thinking on my word for the year .

Last year was Seek 

Maybe it’s Dream 

But I’m not sure yet , maybe like the future it will just make itself know to me at the appropriate moment.

Oh and I will be posting more on my blog , I’ll probably be talking to myself a lot but I hope that I get some comments from the community Eventually.

On to 2025 .

Hugs Wendy 


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